Are you ready for your senior year? Whether you are graduating high school or college, take the time to document this huge success! It looks so different for every single person because we all come from different situations and backgrounds.

For me graduating high school was more of a highlight than graduating college. I went to a small private high school in Tennessee and knew everyone in my graduating class. We had grown up together and made the best of our high school days from going out on the lake, adventuring through town, and simply hanging in the Starbucks parking lot at night. I have fabulous memories from high school, even side-swiping a fire hydrant in downtown Nashville still makes me laugh (not so much as the time…)
College was different because I went to college for 4.5 years to finish up a dual enrollment program, so I didn’t get to graduate with most of my close friends. By the time I graduated in December, I was ready to be done and see the world. In hindsight I would have spent more time actually seeing the world instead of jumping into a job!

Take the time to document your journey and make memories whether you’re in high school or college. Go exploring, plunge into the water from a rope swing, road trip with your friends, and savor the quiet evenings with your family. But also document your accomplishments – graduating is big deal whether you are the first in your family to do it or an alumni legacy at the University of Tennessee! Go Vols! I want you to laugh and have fun while celebrating you during your senior session.
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