One of the many things I missed about Tennessee when we moved away to Hilton Head was enjoying all 4 seasons throughout the year. I have not seen snow in 5 years so when I saw it pop up the week before Christmas for Knoxville I was very excited. However, snow happiness did not last because not only did we not get any but my family in Nashville did! We had negative degree weather but not snow to show for it! Even though we don’t have human children, our dogs (well really just Adele) love the snow! They love to play in it, eat, and try to catch snowballs. I wanted to see that happiness on my furbabies’ faces again! I got my wish when it snowed in Knoxville, TN a few days after Christmas! The snow stuck to the ground and our girls got to run around like crazies in it. Adele even let some zoomies out of her system! The next morning was the real treat though because it snowed overnight just enough to play in it for a bit.

Now Gretchen is our rescue german shepherd and much more weary of her parents tricks! She is also a year or two older than Adele – too smart to get snowed on! She kept to the covered patio and used her own mom as a shield against the snow her dad was throwing! Like I said way to smart… Adele on the other hand ate it all up – literally!

Don’t worry Adele was not hurt during the taking of these photos! Actually she was having so much fun she didn’t even indicate she was cold until we noticed a slight shiver on her ears! She plays hard and always has! When she loves something or someone, she is very intense about it and will give it her all! Adele is never passionate about walks though!🤔 Gretchen loves to be outside, chase squirrels, and hunt other creatures, but she is almost too good for playtime or maybe she just sees right through us! One thing is for certain though they are both sweethearts! I can’t wait for the next snow day! And yes this is how they ended their time in the white powder, one covered and the other almost spotless!

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